Friday, May 6, 2011

Greenfoot Firstlook

Greenfoot is very similar to gridworld in how it looks and how its written. However, it's more general in the fact that one subclass is not limited to only one act; this allows us to play around. Therefore, greenfoot is perfect for making games as seen in the massive gallery on their website.

Currently, we are on the read-only version of greenfoot. Here, we have two types of classes, the world classes and the actor classes. A subclass of actor is Wombat, which goes to the closest leaf (which is another subclass of actor), eats the leaf and then travels around the edge of the bounded grid (default 8x8) forever, eating any leaves that might be in its path.

We are waiting for a system admin to come and install greenfoot and save it in a way that we will be able to edit and save classes.

Looking at the gallery, I think we will have a ton of fun using greenfoot because we love to play games. We are very excited and hope that we can get started on this asap.

1 comment:

  1. Nice post, Safath! Please remove the extra ] you have in your link to the gallery, so that the link will work.
